The aim of this event is to facilitate collaborative development of potential avenues of academic research, with guidance from the solar industry to help identify business critical gaps and opportunities where applied research is most needed.
We will hold two virtual roundtables in early 2021, using Teams as the platform. The roundtables will each be two-hour sessions, consisting of two one-hour feature areas for discussion with a keynote speaker/presentation at the top of each hour to frame the discussion. This will be followed by structured discussion of research opportunities, looking at real world needs, and how to best facilitate collaboration between the industry and academia.
Roundtable 1 – Materials
Invited Speakers
Pilkington, NSG Group – Neil McSporran
Above Surveying – Will Hitchcock
BEIS – Speaker TBC
Research areas for discussion:
Panel coatings
Backsheet degradation
USE PASSWORD – Research1