The SuperSolar Annual Conference 2022 has been postponed until 20-22 September 2022.
The Spring conference season is packed with international in-person events welcoming delegates for the first time since the start of the Covid pandemic and the decision has been taken to shift the online SuperSolar Annual Conference, planned for the end of May, to new dates in the Autumn: 20-22 September 2022.
The online SuperSolar Annual Conference is FREE and OPEN TO ALL
The programme for the event remains as follows:
Day 1: Silicon and Thin Film Inorganic Photovoltaics, Tuesday 20th September
Day 2: Perovskite, Organic and Dye Cells, Wednesday 21st September
Day 3: Modelling, Performance, Testing, Applications and Systems, Thursday 22nd September
Contributed talks (of 12 minute duration) are invited for each themed day. The Deadline for abstract submission is Friday 31st July. Submit your abstract here
Any registrations so far recieved for the event will be taken forward to the new dates, so there is no need to re-register if you have already done so.