SuperSolar will cover the costs of 3 places at a media training workshop for ECRs delivered by The Conversation – contact us now to reserve your place.

The Conversation will work with ECRs drawn from across the Supergen Programme to distil their research into compelling narratives, ultimately demonstrating how research is delivering net zero now and in the future.

Training from The Conversation
The course will be divided into one seminar-style session for all participants, with two ‘breakout’ groups offered for the second session. Each session would run 1.5 hours:

Session 1: 16 July 21, 10:30-12:00 BST

The first session would be an introductory seminar where The Conversation will discuss how to distil research into a compelling narrative (either in the form of a media pitch or video script) that is accessible to the general public.

Session 2: 23 July 21, 10:30-12:00 BST + 13:00-14:30 BST

The second session will be an interactive workshop, with participants attending a breakout group on either pitches to the media or two-minute video scripts. Depending on which second session they attend, participants would need to prepare in advance either a short (200-word) media pitch or video script (250-300 words) based on their research and in line with the material from session one.

Places are strictly limited. Please contact: